Summer FAQs
1. How old must I be to participate in NSB’s Summer Intensive Program?
The Summer School is open to children from 10 to 20 years of age as of July 7, 2025. However, we also consider the application of slightly older students, attending a school year training program, and/or a professional dancer.
2. How do I audition?
NSB holds an annual audition. You need to register for the audition online for the scheduled time. Registration will open online January 1, 2025.
3. What if I cannot make the scheduled audition?
You may submit a video if you are unable to attend the audition or schedule an evaluation class at NSB between January and March.
4. How should the video be made?
Video Audition Requirements for NSB’s 2025 Summer Intensive Program:
• Open video with name, age, current ballet school, city, state and country
• A copy of the candidate’s passport OR birth certificate
• A headshot *professional photographs are not necessary
• Two photos in ballet clothing: first arabesque and tendu (À la seconde)
• A short description of the student’s training
• An audition video recorded during class :
At the barre: pliés, tendus, ronds de jambe, fondus, ronds de jambe en l’air and grand battements. - In center: adagio, tendus, pirouettes, petite allégro, and grand allégro, and 3 exercises en pointe for candidates who have had previous pointe work.
5. How long must the video be?
The video should not exceed 15 minutes.
6. When should I record the video?
Applicants may send an earlier video but the recording must not be over 6 months old.
7. When and how the results of the audition will be given?
Results will be sent to the email address written on the registration within two weeks of the audition.
8. Would it be possible to receive feedback on the audition video?
No, there will be no feedback on the audition video.
9. May I audition for a specific level?
No, the director will assign the appropriate level to each student.
10. Do you allow partial enrollment?
Partial enrollment is only available if the program does not fill. If there are openings, students interested will be put on a waiting list and offered the spot, if available, in May.
11. Are there picture requirements for the live audition?
There are no photo requirements. Photos will be taken on the day of the audition.
12. In case my child was to complain about stomach or headaches during the Summer School, can I give them the medication that he/she will bring to the School?
Students need a written consent form to take any medication during the day at NSB.
13. How may I pay for the Summer school?
The tuition deposit must be paid by the date given on the acceptance letter, the remainder of the tuition must be paid before the start of the program and is non-refundable.The paid tuition confirms your child’s participation in the program.
14. Are there any scholarships or financial support system available?
Successful candidates may apply for financial aid after they have confirmed their participation. Please note that it is rare that we offer full scholarships.
15. How may I know my child’s schedule?
The schedule is posted on NSB’s website. This schedule is subject to change. You will be emailed a complete schedule by level a few weeks before the beginning of the Summer Intensive.
16. Will there be time for lunch?
Yes, NSB has scheduled breaks for lunch for each level.
17. Are the studio's air-conditioned?
Yes, each studio has air conditioning and fans.
18. Will my child receive an evaluation at the end of the Summer Intensive Program?
No, your child will receive feedback during class only.
19. What will happen if my child is injured during the summer session?
If your child should become injured it is recommended that he/she should watch the class and take notes.
20. What if my child has to be absent from a class or a day of instruction?
That is expected. Simply communicate with us via email or phone so we can note the attendance sheet and inform the instructor.
21. What happens if my child starts feeling unwell during the day?
We recommend that the child excuse themselves from class, inform the registrar to contact their parent, and go home to rest.
22. Can my child leave the NSB premises during the program?
Yes, parents must send email permission for their child to leave the NSB building. There will be a sign-out sheet with student names who have permission granted, if your student decides to leave NSB to have lunch elsewhere.
23. How do I drop off and pick up my child?
Parents are not allowed inside the building. Simply pull up and drop off on the street (please do not block any driveways or pull through the school driveway) and your child may enter through the main door. Staff will greet them inside at the door.
24. Will there be a performance or demonstration at the end of the program?
There is a virtual demonstration scheduled for the last day of the Summer Intensive Program for the parents of the children attending.
25. Who may I contact if I need specific information?
You may contact NSB’s Educational & Business Administrator, Caroline Jewell, at or call 781 944-9100.